Puffed Farro Cake Pops

A delicious prêt-à-porter breakfast or snack, dedicated to both adults and children. A " take away" box for a break between one game and another, or a sweet snack to be consumed in the office.

  • Snacks
  • Serves: 4
  • Difficoltà Medium
  • 46 minutes



  • 3 tablespoons of Brown Mix #Mordilanatura
  • fresh fruit 


First, break the white chocolate and place it in a large bowl. Melt it in a bain-marie (or in the microwave) to create a fluid cream.
Pour the Farro into the bowl and mix to obtain a compact mixture. Using a spoon and a round cookie cutter (about 4/5 cm in diameter), create some discs on a plate or on a cutting board covered with baking paper and transfer them to the freezer for about 10 minutes. Heat the remaining dark chocolate and dip half of the cake pops into the dark chocolate to create a two-tone effect. Put the discs back on the baking paper and decorate the #Mordilanatura Brown Mix grains. Repeat the operation for the white chocolate discs which you will dip this time in dark chocolate. Transfer the cake pops to the refrigerator until ready for consumption. Complete the bento box with 2 tablespoons of Mix Marrone #Mordilanatura and a portion of fresh seasonal fruit.

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